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Dundalk Downtown Revitalization Project

The Township of Southgate is partnering with dedicated community members to facilitate the rejuvenation of downtown Dundalk.

Enhancing the town of Dundalk’s commercial core in collaboration with residents and local businesses is a priority for the Township. To achieve this, the Township has established a taskforce of residents, business professionals, property owners, and staff to complete a Downtown Revitalization (DR) program, to evaluate the current context of downtown Dundalk and develop a vision to boost its overall economic well-being.

The Township has appointed seven volunteer community members with connections to Dundalk's downtown that will meet for approximately one year to support the assessment of the trade area, gathering of local data, analysis of findings, and formulation of action plans for implementation and monitoring. Outside of monthly meetings, the Taskforce will support with the delivery of the Downtown Revitalization project tasks as required.

The Downtown Revitalization Project is an initiative undertaken by the Township of Southgate, as identified in our 2023-2027 Community Strategic Plan, to improve the vitality and interface of downtown Dundalk. 

The project will be led by community members, with the Township playing an advisory and supporting role. This will enable community expertise to take the lead, with the Township facilitating the project to ensure the gaps between what is desired and what is possible are bridged. 

The Downtown Revitalization initiative has been established and offered by Ontario's Ministry of Rural Affairs and has helped small towns from across Ontario realize their aesthetic, economic, and social potentials. 

You can learn more about this program here:


The Township of Southgate will be facilitating the project, with a group of seven community members - the Downtown Revitalization Taskforce (DRT) - helping deliver the project and providing community expertise. 

For more information, please email:

The Downtown Revitalization Project for Dundalk was initiated in late 2024. Township staff and the Downtown Revitalization Taskforce (DRT) plan to complete Stages I-III of Ontario's Ministry of Rural Affairs framework in 2025. These stages are comprised of preparation, collection and analysis of data, and the development of goals and action plans. At the end of 2025, a Downtown Revitalization strategy will be developed and presented to Southgate Council. If approved, the plan and final stage of the project will be implemented and monitored from 2026 onwards.

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