By-law number: 2019-111
Summary: to prescribe standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the Township of Southgate and to repeal By-law 2018-108
* Disclaimer: The by-law documents developed for website presentation are not an official version of the by-law. In the consolidated version, the document format may be different and plans, pictures, other graphics or text may be missing or altered. The Township of Southgate does not warrant the accuracy of the consolidated version and it may not be used or distributed for commercial purposes. These by-law documents may be used for other purposes only if you repeat this disclaimer and the following notice of copyright: "Copyright Township of Southgate 2019"
The Office of the Clerk maintains all by-laws for the Township of Southgate. The documents provided are the consolidated versions of by-laws that contain all amendments passed by Council. All documents are in PDF format. All other by-laws (non-consolidated) are also included below. If a by-law you are looking for does not appear on the list below, please contact the Office of the Clerk at
By-law number: 2019-111
Summary: to prescribe standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the Township of Southgate and to repeal By-law 2018-108
By-law number: 2021-132
Summary: to prohibit and regulate noise within the Township of Southgate
By-law number: 2024-040
Summary: to regulate the sale and use of fireworks within the Township of Southgate
Summary: to establish fees and charges for certain services provided by the Township of Southgate
By-law number: 2022-154
Summary: a by-law outlining development charges in the Township of Southgate
Police Services Board Procedural By-Law
By-law number: 2019-01
Summary: to govern the proceedings of the Township of Southgate Police Services Board, the conduct of its members, and the calling of meetings
CAO Delegated Authority By-Law
By-Law number: 2017-150
Summary: to delegate certain powers and duties to officers and employees
By-law number: 2019-117
Summary: to prohibit the smoking or vaporizing of recreational cannabis in public places within the Township of Southgate
Appointment of Integrity Commissioner By-Law
By-law number: 2019-002
Summary: to appoint an Integrity Commissioner for the Township of Southgate
Township of Southgate Procedure By-Law
By-law number: 2022-015
Summary: being a by-law to govern the proceedings of Council, Committees, Public Meetings and Committee of Adjustment
By-law number: 2020-070
Summary: to regulate burning in the Township of Southgate
By-law number: 2018-005
Summary: to provide direction for the collection and sorting of recycling, organics, waste, non-pickup diversion materials, transfer station bulky dropoff items, Municipal Household Hazardous and Special Waste materials (MHSW), banned materials, littering controls, waste burning, offences and penalties for disposal of diversion materials and refusal for the Township of Southgate.
By-law number: 19-2002
Summary: states exactly what type of land uses are permitted in a specific area or zone and provides the requirements or regulations that apply to such land.
By-law Number: 2025-011 and amended by By-law 2025-019
Summary: to establish Site Plan Control for the Township of Southgate
Establishing and Regulating Dundalk Fire Department By-Law
By-law number: 2019-053
Summary: to establish and regulate a Fire Department in the Township of Southgate
By-law number: 2024-078
Summary: to regulate, control and license the keeping of dogs and kennels within the Township of Southgate
By-law number 2017-036
Summary: to provide a schedule of retention periods for the records of the Township of Southgate and to repeal and replace By-law number 11-2001
By-law number: 2017-011
Summary: to authorize the appointment of the Clerk as Head of the Municipality for the purposes of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
By-law number: 2022-004
Summary: to regulate Election signs in the Township of Southgate
By-law number: 061-2016
Summary: Under the Building Code Act respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections
By-law number: 2017-049 As amended by By-law 2025-012
Summary: to Regulate the Placement of Fill, Removal of Topsoil and Site Alteration in the Township of Southgate
By-law number: 3-2008
Summary: to adopt policies with respect to the sale and other disposition of land
By-law number 2004-047
Summary: to prohibit the keeping of exotic animals.
Cannabis Interim Control By-law
By-law number: 2021-109
Summary: to prohibit the use of land, buildings and structures for a cannabis facility on any and all lands within the Township of Southgate.
Communications Tower and Antenna Policy
By-law number: 2021-123
Summary: to adopt a communications tower and antenna projects planning approval policy and guidance document within the Township of Southgate.
By-law number 2022 - 01
Summary: To Impose fees for services provided by the Ontario Provincial Police, Grey County Detachment on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Southgate Police Services Board relating to the reduction of false security alarms.
Designate and Regulate Fire Routes
By-law number: 2023-027
Summary: to designate and regulate fire routes within the Township of Southgate
By-law number: 2023-072
Summary: to regulate vacant buildings within the Township of Southgate
By-law 2024-130, to regulate traffic and parking on roadways and highways in the Township of Southgate.
Municipal Waterworks Supply System By-law
By-law Number: 12-2011
Summary: a by-law to provide for the regulation of the Municipal waterworks supply system in the Township of Southgate and for connected premises
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Township of Southgate
185667 Grey County Road 9
Dundalk, Ontario N0C 1B0
Phone: 519-923-2110
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