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Township Council

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2022-2026 Township of Southgate Municipal Council

The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and 5 Councillors are elected to serve a 4-year term in the fall of an election year.

For Council's meeting calendar, agendas and minutes please view our Agendas and Minutes page. Dates and times are subject to change. 

To email all members please use 


Our current Council has been elected to serve in their roles for the 2022-2026 term. 

Mayor Milne ImageBrian Milne is serving as Mayor for the Township of Southgate 2022-2026 Term of Council. He previously served as Deputy Mayor for the 2018-2022 Term, and Mayor for the Township of Southgate for the 2010-2014 Term of Council. The following are his Council appointments for the 2022-2026 Term of Council: 

  • Mount Forest Doctor Recruitment Committee

Phone: 519-477-0781
Email Mayor Milne


I am honoured to have been elected Mayor of the Township of Southgate for the 2022-2026 Term of Council. 

This is an exciting time to think of future opportunities, the road ahead, what does it hold for us and our community. There will undoubtedly be challenges that we will face, however, there will be successes as well. Each member of Council is dedicated to working as a team toward the success of this Council. Together, along with the staff of the Township, we are determined to do our best in the interest of all residents of Southgate. 

We are looking forward to working collaboratively to develop a plan that will allow up to meet the future in any opportunity it presents, with confidence in our chosen direction. 


Brian Milne, Mayor

Deputy Mayor DobreenBarbara Dobreen is serving as Deputy Mayor for the Township of Southgate 2022-2026 term of Council. She previously served for two terms as Councillor for the Township of Southgate. The following are her Council appointments for the 2022-2026 term of Council:

  • Community Fund Management Committee
  • Saugeen Mobility and Regional Transit Board Alternate
  • Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Board

Phone: 226-379-8059

Email Deputy Mayor Dobreen

Councillor Ferguson ImageJim Ferguson is serving his first term as Councillor for the Township of Southgate. The following are his Council appointments for the 2022-2026 term of Council:

  • Public Liaison Committee
  • Recreation Advisory Committee

Phone: 519-379-0218
Email Councillor Ferguson

Councillor John ImageJoan John is serving her first term as Councillor for the Township of Southgate. The following are her list of Council appointments for the 2022-2026 term of Council:

  • Community Fund Management Committee
  • Lystek Public Advisory Committee
  • Ruth Hargrave Memorial Library Board

Phone: 519-379-0344
Email Councillor John

Councillor RiceJason Rice is serving his second term as Councillor for the Township of Southgate. Councillor Rice is a long-time resident and local farmer in the Township of Southgate. The following are his Council appointments for the 2022-2026 term of Council: 

  • Grey County Farm Safety Association
  • Recreation Advisory Committee

Phone: 519-379-6367
Email Councillor Rice

Councillor Shipston ImageMartin Shipston is serving his second term as Councillor for the Township of Southgate. Previously, as a member of the public, Councillor Shipston was a member of the Ruth Hargrave Memorial Library Board. The following are his Council appointments for the 2022-2026 term of Council:

  • Grey County Council Alternate
  • Ruth Hargrave Memorial Library Board


Phone: 519-375-1708
Email Councillor Shipston

Councillor Singh Soares ImageMonica Singh Soares is serving her first term as Councillor for the Township of Southgate. The following are her appointments for the 2022-2026 term of Council:

  • Community Fund Management Committee
  • Recreation Advisory Committee
  • Saugeen Mobility and Regional Transit Board
  • Grey and Bruce County Joint Detachment Police Services Board 

Phone: 519-379-0256
Email Councillor Singh Soares


Council Resources

You may view a listing of declared conflicts of interest for Township officials here

The Township of Southgate maintains a policy to keep Council expenditures accountable to the public. You may view our Council Member Compensation, Expenses and Meeting Claims, Guidance and Approval Policy here

Provincial legislation mandates that the Township appoint an Integrity Commissioner. The Township has appointed Principles Integrity to fulfil these duties. More information about this can be obtained here

Integrity Commissioners are responsible for:

  • Applying the rules governing the ethical conduct of members of municipal councils and local boards, including codes of conduct; and,
  • Providing advice to members of Council and education on those rules.

If you wish to learn more, please consult the following link, here

The Township has appointed 

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