Traditional Plots - Casket and Cremation Interments
The Maple Grove Cemetery sells plots as either single or double in size. Each single plot can house one (1) full casket burial and up to three (3) cremated urns. If there is no casket burial, a single plot can house four (4) cremated urns. See the below diagram for further information:
Columbarium - Cremation Interment
The Maple Grove Cemetery currently has two columbarium's. Each columbarium has 49 compartments (niches) that can hold two urns containing cremated remains. Approve engraving within specific size requirements on the niche door is included with the total price of the niche, any additional engraving requests will be charged directly to the purchaser.
Scattering Garden - Cremation Scattering
The Maple Grove Cemetery has dedicated lands for those who wish to have their cremated remains scattered. A central memorial is available for engraving the names of those scattered at an additional fee. Scattering remains are only permitted within the designated boundaries of the scattering garden and must be supervised and/or carried out by cemetery staff.
Maple Grove Cemetery By-law
The Maple Grove Cemetery is governed by By-law 2021-120 being a by-law to maintain, manage, regulate and control the Maple Grove Cemetery. Please ensure that you review the by-law in its entirety prior to purchasing the right to inter remains in the cemetery.