Want to look up your property? You can access your property information on the public GIS site at https://maps.grey.ca/
Planning and Land Use
General Planning Information
The Planning Department is responsible for the overall planning and policy direction for land development within the Township of Southgate. Planning is the scientific, aesthetic, and orderly disposition of land, resources, facilities and services with a view to securing the physical, economic and social efficiency, health and well-being of urban and rural communities. The municipal planning process is governed by a hierarchy of legislation, regulations, planning policies, guidelines, standards, and in some cases common law. This hierarchy includes the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement (2024), the County of Grey Official Plan and the Southgate Official Plan, among other legislative requirements.
If you are thinking of severing a lot, changing a use (such as adding a commercial use), or changing a building on your property that does not conform to the current Zoning By-law, you will need to speak with the Planning Department.
Development Review includes pre-consultation of potential planning applications. Those considering a planning application are encouraged to consult staff as early as possible. Pre-consultation can save you time and money in the long run. Staff are able to assist you with your application to ensure you are well aware of the process, required information, and timing before you pay any required fees.
How is my Property Zoned? Visit Grey County GIS!
Southgate Planning Application Forms
- Zoning By-law Amendment Application
- Temporary use Zoning Amendment Application (i.e. Garden Suite)
- Minor Variance Application
- Southgate Official Plan Amendment Application
- Consent Application (i.e. severance of land, lot line adjustment, etc.)
- Site Plan Approval Application
- Draft Plans of Subdivision - Grey County Application
Township of Southgate Official Plan
More information can be found here
Township of Southgate Zoning By-law
More information can be found here
Provincial Land-use Planning Resources
Statutory Documents:
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing also offers some helpful information:
Interested in developing a secondary unit in your existing home? Check out this homeowners guide developed by the Province for further information.
Under the Ontario Clean Water Act, 2006, municipalities have the responsibility to carry out its powers and duties under Part IV Enforcement of Source Protection Plans of the Act. The Township of Southgate has appointed the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority as their Risk Management Official/ Risk Management Inspectors.
Provincial Atlas: https://www.lioapplications.lrc.gov.on.ca/SourceWaterProtection/index.html?viewer=SourceWaterProtection.SWPViewer&locale=en-CA
Section 59 Screening Form: https://www.greysauble.on.ca/risk-management-services/
Who to Contact?
For general planning inquiries or for assistance with planning applications, please contact Legislative & Planning Coordinator, Elisha Milne emilne@southgate.ca
For severances and development proposals please email the Municipal Planner at planning@southgate.ca or to set up a meeting with the Municipal Planner, please fill out our Planning Meeting Request Form
For Zoning and Zoning Compliance, Building Permits, and Septic Permits, please contact Building and By-law Administrative Assistant, Cathy Maltais in the Building Department, cmaltais@southgate.ca
For further specific contact information, please visit the Contact Us page.
Contact Us
Township of Southgate
185667 Grey County Road 9
Dundalk, Ontario N0C 1B0
Phone: 519-923-2110
Email: info@southgate.ca
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